
Showing posts from March, 2018

Monopoly the card game: kind of better than the original

This past weekend my girlfriend and I had to do some pet sitting. Fortunately, the person we had to pet sit for lives in the best neighborhood in town. Needless to say, the house we stayed at was way better than ours. Although technically my girlfriend was working, it still felt like a vacation when we stayed there. We ordered take-out and I had a few beers while pushing off some work I was supposed to do. My forward-thinking girlfriend brought along some games from our collection. Now, this is the second time we have played Monopoly the card game. The first time we played was rough. We got the hang of it after a few games, but that was months ago. We had to reread the rules and interpret the best we could. There's not much info out there for this game. After reading the rules a few times and starting a round, everything started to come back to us. Object of the game If you are familiar with games like Gin Rummy, Phase 10, and others where you're try

Three reasons I don't drink and eat

One or the other! I'm here writing this two tall cans in of Lone Star while eating tortilla strips from my dinner take out earlier. Sidenote, Tex-Mex is my shit. I love it. Lone Star has become my new favorite beer. Smooth and cheap. I don't like to mix my beer and even more so my liquor with food. Here comes another list post. Fuck it, it's better than not posting, right? Reason #1  Tastes fucking gross Beer tastes fucking gross with food. Right now the taste in my mouth is pissing me off. Weird because everyone else eats with their beer. How you might be asking? Fuck if I know. Beer should be enjoyed on its own. Brewmasters crafted their beer on its own and not with peanuts or any specific meal in mind. Reason #2  Poor diet Drinking leads to eating like shit. Mostly after. You're more than likely going to eat horribly the next day after drinking, so skip one extra by not eating with your meal. Reason #3 Kills buzz Poor diet leads me into killing y

Three games to play in between your responsibilities

No matter what we do, life will throw a curve ball at us. I feel like that happens a lot to me. Since I have been freelancing it can be difficult to set a time to not work. Discipline will determine whether you're successful. When I had an office to go to everyday I was expected to show up on time somewhere other than the kitchen table.  Working from home is different. I can see the tv in the living room and just want to stop what I am working on to go start up anything that isn't my task at hand. I would rather be creating characters than editing a video sometimes. I recently started writing for different websites and clients and that time spent writing for others isn't as rewarding as writing for this blog.  But, we must do what we must.  I want to list what I been playing in short bursts. The time that I get to play is limited so here is my list of three games that I can start up quick and play for half an hour.  1.Hawken  Free on the PSN, Hawken

Classic Sibling Videogames Part 1: The Warriors PS2

My brother is not a gamer. He's never had much interest except a few games that stuck out for the both of us to play. The nights were long when we did find a game we could agree on. The last console we bonded over was during the PS2 era. Such good times. That was during my young care-free teenage years. For some, those years where when you could spend all weekend playing with no responsibilities. My brother is four years younger, so he was in the same boat as me. I want to start a small series of titles I remember us playing. To kick us off, let's start with The Warriors on PS2. History Released in October 2005 by Rockstar. The same company behind GTA, Manhunt, and Red Dead Redemption. The game is based off the movie The Warriors which is based off a book under the same name. Never knew it was based off a book. I'll have to give it a read.  The game features the actors in the movie as voice actors.  Plot The Warriors are one of many gangs in 1

Ramblings of a drunk person

The hangover. You know that feeling when you wake up wondering why the fuck you drink? I get that feeling more often than I should. Why do we do it? Some might be saying, "but Anthony I don't drink that much." Fuck off for lying. We all know you drink that much. I'm at the age where I know my limit. I know when enough is enough or how I should've ate more before drinking. I feel the regret as I type. I can feel the tingle. I can feel my mouth getting dry. The small amount of water I just drank isn't going to do a damn thing to prevent the shit storm that will occur tomorrow when I wake. So why do it at all? Fuck if I know. Why do we do anything we do? Why live? Why breathe? Why work shitty jobs we hate with fuck ass people we hate? What is the meaning of life? If you couldn't tell by now, this is the incoherent rambling I promised in my Instagram profile. Or wherever the fuck I wrote it. The problem is why continue to drink beyon

Battlefield 3 Won't Die

When I come over to my girlfriend's place I am stuck with either what is on my laptop or her PS3. That's fine. I seem to manage each time. I can't say much because I go back sometimes and play SNES games on my laptop when I'm home. The PS3 isn't bad. No PS4, but she has no use for one so the 3 works for her.  Free online play is a plus. I understand Sony had to start charging, but at least they stayed faithful to the PS3 customers. I have numerous games at her house. No need for them at my place since I can't play them. The one game I start up consistently at her house is Battlefield 3. My first experience with this game is when it was released. I was still holding on to Bad Company 2 and didn't want to embrace the future. My girlfriend had BF3 before me because I had her hooked on Bad Company 2. The moment I saw gameplay I got nauseous. Looking back, I think it had more to do with me not wanting to move past my favorite game at the time. I didn

Command And Conquer Red Alert Retaliation: The Best In The Series

The year is 2003. Summertime. Here in Texas, Summer is no laughing matter. It gets hot. This Summer in particular was scorching. Too damn hot to be outside that’s for sure. I've exhausted every game I owned up until that point.  An unholy force placed my new addiction in the corner of my eye. At the time I didn't know much about the series Red Alert or anything about real time strategy games for that matter. Not sure how I even obtained the game looking back. But, something otherworldly had it out for me in the form of a PS1 disc. My PS2 was getting some heavy use and needed a break. I rummaged through all my stuff looking for the silver ancient PS1. Took some time but there it was. Dusty, old, and longing for someone to turn it on.  After an eternity passed for the game to load, I witnessed the opening video. That's right, witnessed. The opening video is fucking amazing. Especially to twelve-year-old me. Some badass industrial music kicks in, then ta

Mini Liquor Bottles: The Good And The Bad

This post is brought to you by four mini liquor bottles. Small doses but added all up together they give quite the punch. I'm going to name off the good and bad of these little devils. Let’s start positive with the good. 1. Price On average you will be spending anywhere from a dollar to two. Small investment for a quick taste. Beer may not be for everyone. A little bit of liquor makes for a good alternative. 2. Variety Inexpensive bottles are the best way to try out new drinks. A handful of bottles can give you the opportunity to try drinks you normally wouldn't. Not all tequila is good. I managed to find my new favorite today. Only a dollar was spent, and I can live with that. Imagine dropping forty-five dollars on a bottle you hate. I would still drink it. I can't speak for others. Now for the bad  1. Only one bottle Let's say you find a drink you like.  Great. The problem is you only bought one bottle and the li