Three games to play in between your responsibilities

No matter what we do, life will throw a curve ball at us. I feel like that happens a lot to me. Since I have been freelancing it can be difficult to set a time to not work. Discipline will determine whether you're successful. When I had an office to go to everyday I was expected to show up on time somewhere other than the kitchen table. 

Working from home is different. I can see the tv in the living room and just want to stop what I am working on to go start up anything that isn't my task at hand. I would rather be creating characters than editing a video sometimes. I recently started writing for different websites and clients and that time spent writing for others isn't as rewarding as writing for this blog. 

But, we must do what we must. 

I want to list what I been playing in short bursts. The time that I get to play is limited so here is my list of three games that I can start up quick and play for half an hour. 


Free on the PSN, Hawken is a FPS mechwarrior game. I will be doing another post on this game because I love this game. The only FPS that I'm a god at. My kill streaks are unbelievable. The only FPS that I feel I'll only be good at.

2.Fishing Planet 

If you read my post you know how I feel about Fishing Planet. With the weather being more favorable to us fisherman my dad and I been spending more time on the water. Another reason I don't have more time to game. When we don't go fishing I can at least wet a line virtually. Doesn't compare to the real thing but it holds me off till I can go out again.

3.Four Against Darkness 

This a simple dungeon crawler RPG that is easily one of my favorites. All aspects of a pen and paper RPG has been streamlined. Those that are more accustomed to heavier rules will want to give this a try as a way to get down to simpler gameplay. For a beginner to the hobby, I highly suggest this game. This is where I started.

As of right now this is what I'm playing in between responsibilities. When life gets hectic I look towards easy to pick up and drop games. Smaller investments are the key to getting in and out. I know me, and I know that a heavy story or a game I'm really interested will only distract me.

I recommend these three to break up your daily routine. Each one of these pair well with vodka. I been mixing Taaka and root beer these past two weeks. Do the same with these. 

Enjoy your drinks and game on.

What it takes to make a post (amazon affiliate links)



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