Adrinkinhandgaming's Christmas Wish List 2019

Christmas is upon us once again and let me be the first to say, "this sucks."

But Anthony how could you say such a thing? (If you follow me on Twitter, then you would know my name is Anthony and also you should follow me on Twitter.) Anyway, back to what I was saying about Christmas sucking. It doesn't suck unless you're like 10 and don't have to buy people's gifts.

I'm terrible at buying gifts if they are not for me. This is who I am as a person and will not apologize for my flaws.

The holidays give me anxiety because I never know what to get friends and family. Even if I figured out the perfect gift, I probably wouldn't have the money to buy it, anyway.

So, I'll stick to what I know and that's what I want for Christmas. I have compiled a list of ideas for gamers, whether for yourself or someone else. Hopefully, we have similar tastes because if not you won't find this list useful.

Regardless, read the list and maybe something will click. At the least, you might get pointed in the right direction.

I'll keep the list reasonable although it's a "wish" list. You'll find this stuff online at places like Amazon or eBay.

Keep in mind, this is my list. More than likely, you or someone you are shopping for will have some things listed. I was cheap this year and have kept my gaming budget limited. Now, if you wanted to gift me something off this list, I won't turn you down. But by you being a loyal reader is the greatest gift I could ever ask for.

And a Nintendo Switch.


Battlefield 5

Why would I want something so old? I love Battlefield over all other FPS. If you read my post about BF3, you would know that. Battlefield 1 was a colossal failure if you ask the internet.

I on the other hand never thought that. The spoils of modern combat made people expect more out of a World War 1 game. What most forget is this war is the least portrayed. Maybe Medal of Honor covered this era, I'll never know since I played none of them.

Anyway, get the game if you haven't already.

Trials of Mana

Trials of Mana is Full 3D remake of the third game in the Mana series, originally released in Japan as Seiken Densetsu 3 - As described from the Amazon listing.

Secret of Mana on SNES is a bonafide classic. However, I never played much of the second and only recently heard of the third. Japan gets all the good games.

But if you picked up Collection of Mana back in June, then you have already had the chance to play Seiken Densetsu 3. If not, and you love JRPGs then either pre-order or at the least keep an eye out for this one.

Pokemon Sword or Shield

Love it or hate, Pokemon Sword and Shield are on everyone's wish list - mine included. I love Pokemon and I'll tell you now, that will never change. So what if they are the same game over and over? You will buy it. What's holding me back is my lack of a Switch.

Although the premise has been the same since the days of Blue and Red, the Pokemon franchise continues to add new elements that keep us coming back.

Gigantamax? Dynamax?

It's Pokemon, which is always a safe bet.

Luigi's Mansion 3

My limited experience with Luigi Mansion doesn't mean I won't put the third in the series on the list. Fun fact, when I was an assistant technician at Chuck E. Cheese I got the unique opportunity to set up the Luigi's Mansion arcade game. Let me tell you now, that the arcade machine is heavy and was difficult to assemble. Fun as Hell to play though.

Graphics alone are top-notch on the Switch. Gameplay has always been fun and the new moves Slam, Suction Shot and Burst have been added to his arsenal.

I'm just glad Nintendo is giving more attention to Luigi.

Legend of Zelda - Link's Awakening

How many times will Nintendo release this game? As many times as they can, apparently. No need to explain Link's Awakening. We all know what it is. New and improved graphics (?), updated music, and Animal Crossing like room customization make for an experience modern gamers would come to expect.

I still want it. I prefer lighter video games nowadays and Link's Awakening is exactly that.

The Outer Worlds

I just said I prefer lighter video games, and that's because I don't have the time to sit and game as much as I would like.
If I had the time, then The Outer Worlds is how I would like to spend it.

A sci-fi, open-world game that some have compared to Fallout in space has me excited. Personally, I have played little Fallout, but I love the world and lore of it. So, anything compared to that franchise must be good, right?

Tabletop Board Games including RPGs

Eberron: Rising From The Last War - DnD campaign sourcebook

Well, this interesting for the world DnD. Longtime fans initially turned their nose at the 5th edition, but in my opinion it’s the one that brought it to the masses. What I like about 5th edition is how much easier it is compared to previous editions. If you will teach someone how to play, or learn yourself, then the 5th edition is the best place to start.

Eberron is interesting because it blends other genres into the fantasy setting. From the looks of it, I am assuming a mix of steampunk is involved. It’s good to see Wizards of the Coast still showing some love to the franchise.

Dungeons and Dragons Essentials Kit

I love this box and I don’t even own it. However, I owned the previous edition and let me tell you this new one is far superior when compared to what comes in it. It has everything you need to run a five-character game plus: colored maps, newly designed rulebook, DM screen, and an adventure that includes a 1-on-1 variant.

Seriously, if you are interested in playing, then get this kit. I highly recommend this be your starting point. Now is the best time to dip your toes in the RPG world.


I was going to name another RPG, but I don’t want to leave off Ironsworn for the solo-rpg enthusiast out there. I have only heard good things about this one and I want to get my hands on the softcover version.

It’s a dark fantasy ttrpg with three play variants: Guided (with DM), Co-op (no DM), and solo. Also, the game is free if you download the PDF.

Call of Cthulhu Starter Set

Here’s another starter set I think is worth getting, especially if you don’t know where to start with Cthulhu. I own Arkham Horror third edition and still haven't played it since last Christmas. That game is too damn difficult to play. It takes forever to start up, but anyway back to Call of Cthulhu.

I love the Cthulhu world and the H. P. Lovecraft madness. There’s a lot to the world to unravel and as someone with limited knowledge to it all, it’s daunting. So, what better way to get acquainted than with a starter set?

The box comes with four adventures promising over 20 hours of gameplay. Sign me up. I want to get spooked. Personally, I would choose the physical version over the digital.

Gamer Gift Ideas


I drink coffee every day - says the caffeine addict. Shocking. I came across this mug looking for another because my current one is no longer in use after it had a sudden collision with the floor. RIP in Peace faithful mug. But this SNES controller themed mug seems like a worthy replacement. Except it only holds 100z, which means I will refill it an additional two more times for my morning coffee.

Playstation Checker Neon 90s Shirt

You’ve seen me wear this shirt and you should too. It’s one of the more unique shirts I own. Neon isn’t my thing. However, I love this shirt for its retro design. Thank you Vaporwave and Forever 21 for making this style hip.

Tocode Water Resistant Laptop Backpack

I need a new backpack that can handle my ROG ASUS 17in laptop. I think this Tocode backpack one will get the job done without costing a fortune like most backpacks. Also, unlike most backpacks, this one can hold a 17in laptop. It’s not as sleek in design as much as I would like, the front looks busy, but it still looks good. The external USB would get a ton of use out of me.

My phone always seems to die.

Another huge selling point for me is the water-resistant material. That’s a huge factor for me. As far as the bottom padding is concerned, I’m a little unsure how much protection that offers.

Final Fantasy Ultimania Archive Volume 1-3

If I had a coffee table, these books would be the first on it. I am such a huge fan of Final Fantasy and its art design. Especially Final Fantasy Tactics. These hardback books cover Final Fantasy 1-14 artwork including commentary on the designs.

The Japanese source material has been translated for the first time so us Westerners can get a first-hand inside look into the creation of these iconic characters.

Drink Choice for Christmas

Whatever you can find to drown out your family's conversation about politics, what you should be doing in life, and why thus far you are a failure.  

Or, I don't know maybe some Miller High Life.

Merry Christmas You Fricks

I have been pushing this list off for quite some time. On-brand if you ask me. Thank you for another year. Buy this stuff because it’s cool stuff. Especially for those that have been wrapped up in this crazy gaming culture.

I put something for everyone in a last-minute shopping kind of way. Again, on-brand for me. Enjoy the holidays with the ones you love. Life's too short to spend it any other way.

If you have suggestions, then leave a comment on what I should’ve added.

Enjoy your drinks and game on.

What it takes to make a post (amazon affiliate links)


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