Games to take on vacation

Recently I had a mini vacation with my girlfriend for her birthday. Nothing special. We went down to South Texas, Corpus Christi then San Antonio to be exact, and we didn't play anything.

Say what?!

But, in the past we have. This trip was thrown together with a lot of walking my ass wasn't expecting. I packed games though. Every trip I do. I think any gamer would as well. Here's a list of my go to games that are good for vacations.

1. Ogre

Steve Jackson knocked it out the park with this lightweight tank vs everything hex crawl. Take your Ogre and get from one end of the map to the other battling an army as strong as the lone Ogre tank. The full game including map and cutouts fit in a small size ziplock bag. Super easy to throw in any bag. All you need extra is a pencil, paper, and six sided dice to keep track of ammunition and results of battles.

The game is rules light and can be easy to learn. My girlfriend is not much of a gamer but will suggest we play this game from time to time.

2. Pandemic

Yeah, yeah, yeah. I know. Play something different already. But, hey, it is a good game. Our favorite.

3. Monopoly the Card game

If you read my review on that game you know how I feel about it already. On vacation you don't want anything heavy. This is one of those games you can just pick up and say fuck it.

4. TacDex The Walking Dead version

Fuck the TWD. It's all about the Fear of the Walking Dead. Blasphemy to some but you can go write your own blog and talk about how TWD is better than FTWD. Anyways, TacDex is the classic card game WAR. My cousin introduced WAR to me when I was young. Some minor changes but for the most part its the same game just TWD themed.

Vacations should be relaxing.. Whatever games you take with you should be light. Don't crunch numbers on vacation. Unless that's your thing. For me, I'm usually exhausted from all the travelling and sight seeing to want to sit down and worry about a million rules. I prefer something I can pick up and put down easily.

Plus I'm probably too drunk to finish a game anyways on vacation.

Enjoy your drinks and game on.

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