3 games to jump into pt 2

Three more suggestions for games that are easy to jump into. I did part one as a means to give you ideas of what you could play to kill time or not invest too much time into. If I'm not passed out from drinking a couple of brews, then I am probably working on something. This gives me little time to invest in anything. You may be suffering the same fate as I am. Don't worry, I got your back with more suggestions. 1. Marvel vs Capcom 2 As broken as this game may be, it still holds up. 56 characters to choose from. 56! 3 on 3 team battles with chaos that doesn't stop. Seriously, how is this a professionally played video game? You can't even tell what's going on. I always assumed whoever could button mash the most wins. If you aren't picking Cable, Storm, Magneto, Sentinel, Cyclops, or Captain Commando then you obviously don't plan on winning . Also, above all else, the music makes the game a solid 11/10 for me. I want to take you for a ride. ...