Game of the Month: February 2019

This month has been a slow month for gaming. The only game I've touched is Jeanne d'Arc on PSP. February hasn't been cold here in Texas. Except for today, the last day of the month. It's freezing and raining and stupid outside. We Texans don't handle cold rain too well. Fortunately, I'm writing this from the warm, comfort of home. This month has been a challenge to set aside some time to game. I guess it's a good thing when work starts rolling in. What sparked the memory of JDA is kind of odd. My girlfriend started Game of Thrones from the beginning as a recap to get prepared for the new season. Here comes the hate, but I'm not into GoT. Never been. I'll watch when she is. Passively. There's a character that caught my eye because there was something about her I couldn't put my finger on. Brienne of Tarth stuck out. A cross between a female knight from Final Fantasy Tactics and a character I forgot existed, Jeanne d'Arc. PSP g...